
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Chopped, here I come!

About 6 months ago we got a Mexican restaurant in our city, Coyhaique. We don't really go because it isn't cheap, and because we make some bomb mexican food in the house. Yesterday we were feeling lazy so I picked up some food to go, and when the owners found out I was from California and that I like to cook Mexican food they asked if I would teach them and the chefs some recipes. I went in today at 11 and finished around 2. I taught them how to make chile relleno, salsa ranchera, salsa colorado, enchiladas, quesarritos,, some fresh salsas, taqueria style tacos, and some cool Mexican techniques. Overall I had a blast and they couldn't get enough of the food. Afterwards they wanted to pay me, but I told them that nothing would be better payment than if they were to come to a church service. They said they would!

Here's a high quality picture for your enjoyment. They should have given me a hairnet for my beard ;)