
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Our first baptism

We had our first baptism this month! Luis was baptized in the Coyhaique River. There is a nice bend in the river about 5 minutes from our house where it gets deep enough to come up to my chest so we chose that place for the baptism. The water was freezing! But once I was in it I really didn't even realize. The baptism happened without any hicups. That morning was a big morning for church attendance. There were 28 people who attended service, and only 3 of them were visitors who'd come to see Luis get baptized. That is our highest attendance since the inauguration last month. Our lowest attendances were on Wednesday nights, 7 one night and 8 another. The service where 8 people came was actually last Wednesday and it was a neat service because there was no power; we had prayer and Bible study by candle!

I am so impressed by Luis. He has been a Christian for about a year and is already making decisions of consecration that show great spiritual maturity. He is such a blessing to me and I just hope that I can be the spiritual influence on his life that he needs. Today he is busy all day and we have church tonight at 8. We'll probably get home from church at 10, and he wants to come over to study John 15 with me after service. This is just a small example of what a great guy he is! I believe that God is going to do great things through his life, much more than He will ever do through me.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting!! He looks and sounds like a great guy.
