
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Evangelistic trip to 4 communities

What do Bahia Murta, Puerto Sanchez, Puerto Rio Tranquilo, and Puerto Guadal all have in common?

They are isolated communities in Chile's Patagonia
They are all very small
They are without a Bible believing church
Their homes will each be receiving a gospel tract on Monday or Tuesday of the week to come
They are all places where we hope to start a church in the years to come

Although these are small communities, which might make them insignificant in the eyes of some, they still have human beings with precious souls for whom Jesus Christ shed His blood. These people are included in the "every creature" of the Great Commission. I am heading out early Monday morning with one of the men in our church and we'll be doing a two day evangelistic trip. I am so excited and cannot wait to see what God will do.Here is a snapshot of what our route looks like:

 If you would like to see some of God's greatest scenery then look up the names of those cities on I remember speaking with this brother about Cochrane which is a city in the southern part of our state. He goes there from time to time for work related reasons. He told me that not only is there a Bible believing church there, but he wasn't even able to find any church that wasn't Roman Catholic. What a great need there is in Cochrane! I can't help but think that maybe God is working in his heart and maybe one day he will go and plant an independent Baptist church there.

I have this 3 phase plan to get the gospel to every creature in our region and plant churches in every village. The planting churches part is part of the 3rd phase, but I have been thinking about the fact that maybe God doesn't want to do things according to my "plan". Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Maybe on this trip somebody will get saved and offer their house for weekly meetings, and then maybe we will have our second church plant in the works. God is good and serving Him is so exciting!

Note: this trip was supposed to happen about a month ago, but my partner had to cancel because of work; I'm so glad it's finally coming together!

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