
Friday, May 17, 2013

Un nuevo integrante

That's what people say sometimes in Spanish when they are congratulating you on a pregnancy or the birth of a child. It means "a new member". I was thinking about that this week. Sometimes there are words in Spanish that sound like their English counterparts; these are called cognates, and they are one of the easier parts of language learning. Some Spanish cognates are piano, mango, tecnologĂ­a, comunicar, cristiano, etc. Any English speaker can know what those words mean in English whether they've studied Spanish or not. Anyways, all of that was a big rabbit trail just to say, "integrante" is not a cognate...haha. But although it means "member", if it were a cognate the English word it sounds like to me is "intricate". This is how my weird mind works.

Intricate is a good word to describe a child. I don't say that because they in and of themselves are intricate, but because they are an intricate part of the family. I was reflecting this week on Micah. Micah is such an important part of our family. It blows my mind though to think of the fact that a year and a half ago he wasn't really even a part of our lives (although Annie was pregnant with him). It is crazy to think about how our family was fully functioning without Micah, but now that he has become an intricate part of our daily reality I can't even imagine life without him, and I don't want to! As I thought on that, it made me think about our next child who is slowly forming in the womb right now, which is a miracle in itself. Everyday we live our lives in our current reality, and that reality pretty much excludes him. It is crazy to think that come September, that reality with be changed forever! I can't wait!

Here is a beautiful picture of my current reality : )

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