
Monday, December 31, 2012

Do you drink it amargo or dulce?

This is a question that I hear whenever "mate" (maw-tay) is brought up. Do you drink it bitter or sweet? Mate is a very bitter tea that they drink here in Patagonia. To take off the edge some people put sugar or some sort of artificial sweetener.

I am a coffee drinker. I didn't used to be. However, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen started bringing me coffee when I was in Bible college. Let me show you some simple math...

Girl you like brings you coffee + desire to win her heart + incessant need for caffeine [projects+exams] = coffee addict for life.

Coffee was so bitter when I first started drinking it, and I hated it. However, after years of drinking it I have grown accustomed to it and I even like it now. I say that because mate was extremely bitter when I first started drinking it, and I hated it! However, now that I am here in Patagonia I want to be like the people here so that I may be able to lead many of them to Christ. Therefore I went out and bought my own mate (the cup used to drink mate), bombilla (straw), yerba (the herbs), and stevia (a natural sweetener since I already put enough sugar in my coffee). So the process of getting accustomed to it has begun, and I'm even starting to like it! And by the way, I'll take it dulce.


  1. It kinda looks like you are drinking a pot of green chilies. =)

    1. You know, a couple of weeks ago I made Mexican Chile Verde, man it was good...but definitely tasted different from mate ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Chunky indeed! The good thing is that you drink it with the bombilla which in my mind is like the Patagonian version of a 7-eleven straw. It's a closed off straw at the end with little holes so that the chunks can't come through. It's like a tea-bag in a straw.

  3. A student worker from Brazil brought in a little pot of this stuff this week! They were surprised when I knew what it was. I had to confess I only knew it because I had just seen it on your blog, ha. =)

    1. That's pretty cool. First time I saw it was in a missions conference like 10 years ago and the missionary was from Brazil. Did you get to try it?

    2. I'm sure she would have let me if i had asked, but it looked kinda gross (no offense lol). It looked really chunky, like super thick green tea with the leaves still in the tea. =)
