
Sunday, December 9, 2012


There is this restaurant in town that Annie and I used to go to to order coffee and then use the free wifi (funny, it's free, as long as you pay...). There was this sweet lady named Patricia, and we got to know her a little bit. Well we got our own internet like a month ago or so and so we haven't seen her. Tonight we decided to grab a bite there. I asked her how she was and she said that her whole body hurt from the busy day (she always talks about being sore so she may have arthritis or something). I asked her if she had tried take ibuprofen and she said no. After we had paid our bill I slipped out and ran up the street to the corner farmacy and got her a pack of it. She was in the changing room getting ready to go home once I got back so I left it with her friend to give to her. I thought, "What a hassle to run up there, but definitely worth it to show love and make a friend for a lifetime."


  1. Replies
    1. I think so too heidi. By the way, I'm diggin you back in the blogging scene. I would love to come over and watch you guys' piano anytime : )

  2. I think I might be having too much fun...but as long as hardly anyone knows about it, I'm safe;)

    Call it an open invitation! Our church has no missionaries to Chile'
