
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Evangelistic trip down south

I am sitting here on a cold morning with fresh brewed Juan Valdez coffee and a fire going, what could be better? Yesterday was a very encouraging day! Lot's of great things happened. It started with a productive morning. I went into town to run some errands and two noteworthy things happened. I met a gringa named Ally from Ohio. She's living here for work. She said she'd seen us around - we are kind of hard to miss. I gave her our info and said she should come over sometime for a meal.

Quick break because I threw another log on the fire. You want to know what is a blessing? Big thick gloves. I got sick of burning myself!

Back to the productive morning. Where were we? After I got to my car to pay the parking attendant (a half hour is about $.60) I gave her a comic book tract as I usual give to the folks collecting money for parking. She took the tract, flipped it over, and just stared at our logo. As she looked confused I said, "It's a little gift for you, something to read." She looked up and said, "Is it the new?" I didn't get it at first, so I asked her what she meant. She said, "Well the other day someone left a CD at my house, is this from the new church too?" I couldn't believe it, I had left and invitation to our opening service and a gospel CD on this lady's doorstep! She said that tried to watch it, but could only hear, so I explained that it was only a CD and not a DVD. She said, "Thanks, my daughter really liked it." This is wonderful for so many reasons, but one is because it means that our logo is unique and distinguishable. We had our logo on the CD, and on the flier she received, and so she immediately recognized it on the back of the Chick tract I gave her.

Later we took a three hour drive south to a town called Villa Cerro Castillo. It's named after a mountain peak it sits under called Cerro Castillo. Here is a picture of Annie and I from yesterday in front of a small lake, you can see the mountain in the background. Unfortunately a cell phone picture doesn't truly communicate the beauty of Patagonia, but it'll do.

Villa Cerro Castillo has a population of about 500 with somewhere around 150-200 homes. These numbers were more than we planned for, but I had extra tracts in the car which was really a blessing! Yesterday Annie, Micah, Eduardo, and I passed out about 350 gospel tracts in that community including at least one in every home. They need a church there. There is not one church anywhere near them that believes is salvation by grace through faith in the finished work of redemption of Jesus Christ (biblical salvation). How will they hear?

After Cerro Castillo we drove to Puerto Ingeniero Ibañez while still a small community is considerably larger than Cerro Castillo. It resides on the coast of Lake General Carrera which is the largest lake in Chile. It's water is turquoise, very beautiful. This city needs a Bible believing church. Who will go?

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