
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Last night I preached at Iglesia Bautista Esperanza where Jason Kenney is pastor. Their website is here:

As I am thinking about the move to Patagonia, I'm realizing that we just have SO much stuff. I think we're going to need to get a trailer and hook it up to whatever vehicle we buy. I have a washing machine and a fridge from when I was here last. We also have nine 50 lbs bags, five carry-on size ones, we'll be buying a big printer, and there are seven big/heavy boxes full of audio cds that we're going to be leaving at every door in Coyhaique before the first service. That's a lot of stuff. I guess that's why they say, "Possessions have a way of possessing you."

It will be nice to get to Coyhaique and be able to let our roots grow, but we've gotta get all this stuff down there. It looks like we're going to need to get a trailer or something. My hesitation with that was that I don't want to pay for a second vehicle when we take the barges in the south. Last night I met a man at Esperanza named Sergio. He is from Puerto Montt (that's the city that you take the barge from). He explained to me that it may just be better for us to drive into Argentina and not take a barge. I had my doubts because when I was in Coyhaique my friend brought a car there from a little bit up north and he took the barges. Sergio explained to me that sometimes the barges are better because of the weather, but that since we are going into spring he thinks it could be a good idea to make the drive through Argentina. It'll all work out, we'll see how!

Yesterday I went to the Bible college where I taught three or four classes when I was here in Chile last. It's called Chile Baptist College. It was great to see some of my old students. A big group of us went out to breakfast. Lot's of folks in the community, contacts I made when I was here, have been asking for me. One was the owner of the restaurant so it was nice to see her. Tonight we're going to a family conference at the church that I helped to start. I will get to see a lot of people that I ministered to when I was here last, and they will get to meet Annie and Micah. It should be a great time.

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