
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Materials for the church in Patagonia

The hymnals are all finished and I think they look pretty good! We got 75 of them.

We are also order several banners for the church. One with the church logo, one with the schedule of services, and also one that has a missions emphasis for inside the building.

I was able to obtain 1,000 quality copies of the gospel of John at 5 cents a piece! What a deal!


  1. I didn't know you guys had a blog, I'll have to add it to my blogroll! =) Thanks for stopping by mine! And yes, James is always telling me that I need to get down to Chile. I agree - one of these days I'll make it down there. =)

  2. sounds great Jen! if you want to make your way down to Patagonia then come see us! while you're on the continent you could visit machu picchu and knock another one off the bucket list. as for doing a blog, i've never successfully kept one up so i'm attempting it now that we're here in chile with hopes that in the long run it'll function as a journal of memories. if i manage to keep it up then i'll be sure to announce it somehow. thanks for adding us to your list, i'll try to be a worthy read!
